Municipal Service Reviews

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A Municipal Service Review (MSR) is a comprehensive assessment of the ability of existing local government agencies to effectively and efficiently provide municipal services to residents and users. The form and content of an MSR is specified by requirements in the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (CA Govt Code § 56001) and in the State of California's Local Agency Formation Commission MSR Guidelines, published in August 2003.

The CKH Act requires all LAFCos to prepare an MSR for each of its incorporated cities and its special districts. The fundamental role of LAFCo is to implement the CKH Act, which was adopted into State law to encourage the logical, efficient, and most appropriate formation of local municipalities, service areas, and special districts. MSRs are to be completed every five years, and must be completed prior to, or in conjunction with, an update of a city or special district Sphere of Influence (SOI) or before LAFCo initiates any reorganization of the boundaries of a special district.

Information regarding adopted or current Municipal Service Reviews may be found below.