Fees A

Current Fees — Effective July 24, 2007 B

Item Cost
Annexations $ 2,700
Detachments $ 2,700
Reorganizations $ 2,700
Dissolutions $ 1,593
Consolidations $ 1,832
Formations $ 4,370
Sphere of Influence $ 2,700
Out of Boundary Service Reviews $778
Incorporation of a City $3,000 Deposit + Cost
Service Review $2,000 + Cost
Sphere of Influence Studies $2,000 + Cost
Environmental Review (Negative Declaration) $778 C
Environmental Review (Notice of Determination) $50 D
Executive Officer's Report Mailing $100 / Year
Agenda Mailing $20 / Year
Copies $0.50 / Page


  1. The fees set forth above shall be paid at the time the application is filed with the Executive Officer.
  2. The only exceptions to this fee schedule will be on proposals initiated according to law by the Local Agency Formation Commission.
  3. The Environmental Review (Negative Declaration) fee is based on the cost to prepare a Negative Declaration when LAFCo is acting as the lead agency.
  4. The $50.00 Notice of Determination Fee is a filing fee for the County Clerk and is required of all applications whether LAFCO is the lead agency or a responsible agency (when LAFCO relies on an environmental document prepared by the City or Special District).This amount must be paid by check, made out to "Merced County Clerk."